The Book Café Toolkit
The Book Café Toolkit is an assemblage of tools to read, learn, listen, write, perform, and compose with a view to cultivate an ethos of friendship, hope, mutuality, inclusivity and fraternity. We invite you to create together, celebrate our differences.
Each tool can be read as a route, which opens up possibilities for inventive reading, which is critical, analytical, rigorous, reflexive yet not skeptical or paranoid.
Improvise reading and writing with Sedgwick’s Reparative Reading or Denise Silva’s Poethical Reading, Deborah Kapchan’s acoustic writing to explore possibilities beyond conventional styles. When we let the words loose, loiter, explore, experiment and innovate, we step into the world of possibilities for ‘doing academia differently’ beyond the confines of the classroom or the curriculum.
Dive in, pick up a tool, explore, comment and reflect on the tools; Expand this circle of conversations.
Doing Academia Differently
- Doing Rebellious Research in the Academy
(Meet the rebellious researchers embracing rap, magic and circus acts | Research | The Guardian) - Performative Enquiry Performative Enquiry by Dr Lynn Fels
- Educational Insights published by University of British Columbia Educational Insights | Gateway (
- Journal of Narrative Politics (Journal of Narrative Politics (
Ethos of Collaboration
- Navigating the landscape of knowledge, power and ethics of research SKMS Code of Conduct – Agitate (
- Wondering about Care: A Reading List by Dipali Anumol Wondering about Care: A Reading List – Field Notes from a Feminist Researcher (
- Imagining a Care Curriculum with Q Mannivanan (Imagining a Care Curriculum | Feature from King’s College London (
- Thriving Resistance of Joyful Militancy with Carla Bergman and Nick Montgomery (Joyful Militancy – thriving resistance in toxic times)
- Exploring The Undercommons with Stefano Harney and Fred Moten (The Undercommons | Minor Compositions)
Improvising, Inventing and Experimenting with Reading
- The Limits of Critique-Rita Felski (The Limits of Critique, Felski (
- Eve Sedgwick- Reparative Reading (Paranoid Reading and Reparative Reading; or, You’re So Paranoid, You Probably Think This Introduction is About You)
- Po-ethical Reading- Denise D’Silva (Poethical Readings — The Sensing Salon)
Writing with a Difference
- Theorizing Sound Writing, Deborah Kapchan (Theorizing Sound Writing. United States: Wesleyan University Press, 2017)
- Performative Writing Performative Writing (