Care, Mutuality, Fraternity
What makes a campus a community?

How do we reimagine care, mutuality, and community as what B.R. Ambedkar called forms of “associated living, or conjoint, communicated experience,” in the university? Given the gendered nature of all
We are aware of mass-scale progressive students’ mobilizations that have been resisting this onslaught to maintain at great peril to their lives and futures the spirit of fraternity as the foundations of
Entries (350-500 words) that take varied forms not restricted to auto-theoretical pieces, intertextual creative works, diary entries, conversation pieces, field notes, and interviews, are encouraged.
Contributions are open to young professionals with a Bachelors’s or higher academic degree, and students currently enrolled in a
Contributions must be sent in by 15 May 2020 at
For clarifications, write to
Greatly appreciate the launching of this in the Writing series… a discourse that is often run over by more “mainstream ” discussions . Germane to the several concerns of the gender audit in our campus.
Look forward to sending entries from Cotton University…