As an educator, do you feel that the learning spaces you facilitate nurture values of compassion, equality and dignity?
How do you re-envision these learning spaces to make them more inclusive and expansive?
What ideas, norms or practices you wish to re-visit? And why?
What are the values you wish to foreground in these spaces?
What does ‘your’ re-imagined learning space look like?
If you were to share these ideas with someone, who will that be – yours students, mentors, colleagues, administrative staff, senior management, or policy makers?
We invite you to WRITE A LETTER to this person(s) sharing your thoughts on inclusive and compassionate learnings spaces.
Reflect & Share.
Log-in Gender is looking for new and different perspectives on ways to make educational spaces inclusive and nurturing.
This competition is open to those who identify themselves as educators (example: faculty members, teachers, facilitators, among others).
Send in your letters (300-500 words). The submission must be the original work of the contributors. Do remember to cite your sources if you use any. Submit your entries by 11:59 pm IST on Friday, 5 July 2019 using the following link :
For queries, feel free to contact us at wiscompweb@gmail.com.