WISCOMP in partnership with St. Teresa’s college, Kochi conducted a four-day dialogue-cum-training workshop for faculty, senior administrators and students on ‘Gender Equity and Inclusion: Transformative Pathways in Higher Education’, at the college from 5-8 January 2019. The workshop was supported by the Public Affairs Section, US Embassy, New Delhi.
The project is a first-ever unique and innovative pan-India initiative on developing templates for Gender Audits in college and university campuses across India. The workshop built an engaged cohort of senior management, faculty, and students who are committed to collaboratively making their campus gender-just and inclusive by raising awareness, tracking progress on the many parameters of gender equity and justice on campus, and maximizing the reach of gender-sensitization processes. Eminent gender experts and educators from the US and across India facilitated the participatory workshop, with participation
drawn from Loyola College, Chennai, and other colleges in Coimbatore and Kochi.
Workshop Album