Head & Dean, Faculty of Social Work, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
In a state where rivers are worshiped as mothers and the feminine power of the Goddess is revered, it is ironic that 64 percent of men are inequitable in their attitudes towards intimate partners. This is Uttar Pradesh! Rigid masculinity is the norm here and according to one estimate, only 5.7 percent of men endorse gender equality. Sanjay has worked for over two decades in this state to promote alternate norms among young men – caring, sharing, respect, and non-aggression.
As a young man, Sanjay recognized the devastating effects of gender-based violence – in private and public spaces – on the lives of women. His knowledge of strategies and approaches to address gender issues expanded once he started engaging with a feminist organization. He realized that a change of mindset was crucial to gender equality.
In 2003, he joined the Department of Social Work at the Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth University. Sanjay decided to take small steps within his Department, engaging with a group of students to discuss sexual harassment and campus culture. Gradually, his discussions on gender and men began to attract students from other streams – law, education, fine arts, and performing arts. Engaging men to address gender-based violence at the time was rare but that did not deter Sanjay. Over time, the discussion circles expanded from student groups to the local community.
Today, Sanjay’s conversations extend far beyond the Vidyapeeth campus, through the MASVAW (Men’s Action for Stopping VAW) network that he founded with like-minded men. His methodology has evolved too, he now organizes regular dialogues and training workshops for peer trainers.
The programs speak to the realities of Eastern Uttar Pradesh, where even today, rates of violence remain high and the pressure on men to abide by masculinist norms continues unabated. In such a context, Sanjay has taken upon himself the mantle of the leadership of the Women’s Study Centre at his University – building consensus on a just, equitous, and violence-free campus.

Sanjay is Head and Dean at the Faculty of Social Work, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. Prof. Sanjay is a Founding Member of MASVAW – Men’s Action for Stopping Violence Against Women, which is a state-level organization of social activists, academicians, lawyers, and doctors committed to changing the mindsets of men on gender issues in Uttar Pradesh.
Prof. Sanjay is also closely associated with Forum to Engage Men and Men Engage Global that works with men and boys for gender justice. He has led several awareness campaigns and trainings with the students and educators at his University and other universities across Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, on issues of gender equality, deconstructing masculinities, and understanding violence against women.