Director, St. Teresa’s College, Kochi, Kerala
Iconoclasts who challenge patriarchal norms and advocate for equal rights for women have come from many unexpected quarters. Sister Vinitha comes from the Convent of Carmelite Sisters of Saint Teresa. She has, for over three decades, opened professional pathways for women in unprecedented ways. With her at the helm, St. Teresa’s College has received acclaim for academic excellence not only in the social sciences and humanities but in the STEM fields, earning an A++ grade with the National Assessment and Accreditation Council and a place among the top colleges on the National Institute Ranking Framework.
The ability to go against the grain, hold firm even in the face of opposition and to pursue what she believes is fair and just, developed early in Celine (as she was christened by her family). As a young girl of fifteen, Celine joined the Convent, against the wishes of her father who wanted her to pursue a career in medicine. She felt impelled to devote herself to the service of humanity. While at the Convent, she held on to her beliefs, never hesitating to speak her mind when needed. She stood up against orthodoxies that masqueraded as a discipline.
From early on in the Convent, Sister Vinitha recognized the importance of listening to diverse perspectives. Today, under her leadership, St. Teresa’s ethos is infused with a deep appreciation of pluralism and diversity. As a non-denominational gender-sensitive space, St. Teresa’s welcomes women from across faiths, castes and class. It runs special programs for livelihood, career counseling and language proficiency that are open to both students enrolled at the college and women from the city. This has been the most impactful outreach.
Recognizing that poverty adversely affects women more than men and renders them vulnerable to the worst forms of violence, her college pursues excellence single-mindedly without diluting the goals of equity, inclusion and access. The college not only provides fellowships but mentors women from marginalized groups to transition into the world of work. Multiple generations of women have flourished under the sustained mentorship of Sister Vinitha.
In addressing issues of sexual abuse and domestic violence, Sister Vinitha’s efforts to move young women away from the mindsets of victimhood have made the St. Teresa’s Counselling Centre a flagship initiative of the College for society.
The support extended to LGBTQI is visible in the pathbreaking efforts of St. Teresa’s College. It offers space for democratic debate and dialogue to its students and faculty on social media handles to hold discussions even on subjects that are seldom addressed in the higher education institutes of Kerala.
Sister Vinitha is moving with the times, breaking the barriers to inclusion and creating expansive, transformative, democratic spaces to help usher in a world waiting to be born!

Rev. Dr. Sister Vinitha is Director, St. Teresa’s College, Kochi, Kerala. Under her leadership, the College has expanded access for women by offering scholarships, holistic counseling services, organizing co-curricular programs that address the rights of LGBTQI and address gender and sexuality concerns.
The College is a pioneer in India to initiate a gender audit with the participation of the entire staff, student body, and senior management. A Professor of English Literature, Sister has been teaching for over 28 years and has previously served as Principal, St. Teresa’s College. Sr. Vinitha is a Poetess and Story Writer and a regular contributor to Malayalam and English Dailies. She has composed and directed three multimedia presentations on social issues.