From Educators, With Love #2: Bhumika Rajdev

Dear Colleague,

I hope you understand that we all are sailing in the same boat. Each one of us has our own strengths and skills that can make our education system more inclusive in nature. I know many a times you lose patience, you are stressed and you deal with lot of pressure of syllabus completion and administrative work. Many of us lose work life balance time to time and ignore our health.

But my friend, the world that we are trying to create starts from us. The world where there is no discrimination, where all our children get equal opportunities to excel in their life and where all of them get space and freedom to pursue the career in the field which they love. In this world we don’t divide our children into binaries and they exist in continuum. We try every day to make their world more peaceful so that they don’t lose faith in humanity, kindness, hard work and perseverance.

This idea of creating a happy peaceful world starts with a happy peaceful teacher. It’s important for you to practice what you preach. Give some time to yourself. Let yourself grow with your students. Let them lead you towards an infinite space of learning. Don’t steal those five minutes of meditation from yourself. Keep yourself physically and mentally healthy. Give your students a being which is active like fire from outside and calm like sea from inside.

Inclusive and compassionate classrooms are created by inclusive and compassionate teachers. An unhealthy mind cannot create a healthy learning atmosphere. As Mahatma Gandhi said, β€œBe the change that you want to see in the world.” So, try to be the person you want your learners to be. Instill values in them not through lectures but through your actions. Every smile of yours, every compliment you give, every act that shows you practice equality, and every way in which you respect your learners make them not only learn the idea of inclusivity but it becomes part of their life.

We are important part of the chain through which we move towards a social change. Every change is a time taking process in the society. But, as Dewey said, β€œschool is miniature society”. School is a place where child is making his/her individual as well as social identity. This is the place where the idea of inclusivity and the significance of it should be emphasized on a daily basis.

It’s high time for all of us to create that world in our classroom which we always wanted to live in, a peaceful compassionate life make us feel more alive in every relation and makes us more connected with our nature. I hope you will try to instill the values of inclusivity and equality by every role – play that you prepare in your class, by every team projects that you organize and by every bulletin – board through which you try to communicate with your students.

From an educator, with love πŸ™‚

Bhumika Rajdev

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18 thoughts on “From Educators, With Love #2: Bhumika Rajdev”

    1. Bhumika Rajdev

      Thankyou. Yes, I really feel its important of us to raise the issue of mental health and to discuss that how we can make our classrooms more inclusive in nature.

  1. Wonderful BhumikaRajdev . Wonderful post. What u have written is so relevant these days. We need more and more teachers like you. Love and power to you.

  2. What do you think is the biggest challenge for teachers these days when children are exposed to internet and media so much where all kinds of propaganda are spread by political parties to divide and generate hate?

  3. A very well thought out article bhumika. Identity formation starts at a very young age and we as teachers sometimes forget that our learners are looking up to us at every point of time. Especially if we talk about the preschool children till grade 5, children during these years follow their teachers as bible so if we are not acting in accordance of what we want from our children then no matter how good your lessons are, you will fail at creating an enlightened generation.

  4. thankyou for this wonderful article. it’s nice to see someone who acknowledges that teaching is not just about delivering the content its of willingness to take the time and effort to keep working to up their game, to model lifelong learning . Your writing has inspired me to be a better teacher much more than the tools and techniques we learn.

  5. This is really a pertinent message for all the educators. For school-going children, teachers are the first heroes, they are emulated, they are cited as the ultimate source to settle any debate with parents. And, for being what they potentially are, they bear a huge social responsibilty to make the future. To accomplish this, they have to don many hats: teacher’s, motivator’s, guardian’s etc. No wonder teaching is one of the most noblest jobs in the world.

    And Bhumika has highlighted an effective way of accomplishing this job well.
    Significant article.

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