From Educators, With Love #4: Dhira Madan

The Policy Makers
Subject: (Suggestions for inclusive and compassionate learning spaces)

This is to being to your kind notice the need to refurbish our education policies such that they generate inclusive and compassionate learning spaces.
The first step in this direction would be the merger of the Private and the Public Sector in education. This would ensure that similar facilities and infrastructure is provided from the most privileged to the most underprivileged child.

Next is to develop a rural and urban connect between schools such that inter-state and intra-state exchange programmes are conducted, projects are conducted and research is undertaken by the senior students.
Each school must have properly trained teachers for the differently abled. The teachers must be trained to effectively teach across a broad spectrum of disabilities.

The students need to teach and interact with other students from other regions breaking down borders and barriers of every kind.
It must be made compulsory for the community to participate in the welfare programmes of the school.

Travelling both for pleasure and educational programmes within the country and abroad broadens the outlook of both the teachers and the students making them compassionate human beings who welcome inclusivity.

Technology has to be made use of for promoting informal education. If the students can’t come to the classroom, the classroom must reach the students. Why not have mobile schools for the street children and other needy children.

College students must be asked to participate in social work contributing to the education system. It needn’t be teachers teaching all the time.

Freedom for the students has to be redefined in the schools. It is still either too rigid or too disorganized. The present generation needs someone who is listening to their needs. Parents have no time to provide quality time to their wards, so it is the duty of the teachers to find time to talk to their class. There must be one or two Class Teacher Periods in the schools where the children can discuss their problems and no academic work is undertaken during this period.

It must be compulsory for every school to have a trained counsellor to look into the problems being faced by the students both in their student and personal life.

There must be a panel of students assigned by each school that looks into bullying and other forms of abuse faced by the students at any level.
Every struggling child must be assigned a buddy who guides him/her and helps them academically.

Moral and Value Education must be provided through movies, theatre and other team and individual activities. Moral, theoretical preaching has no place in today’s education system.

Last but not the least the index of happiness has to be maintained and monitored. There is nothing better than a Happy Management, Happy Teachers and Happy Students. Never impose inclusion and compassion. It has to percolate subtly and imperceptibly.

It is hoped that these suggestions are found suitable and implementable.
Thank you for giving us this opportunity.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Dhira Madan

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220 thoughts on “From Educators, With Love #4: Dhira Madan”

  1. Education system as a whole needs great insight, immaculate conception and changes, not create engineers or doctors but good human beings who can fit into society without discrimination on basis of their cast creed or colour. Mrs. Dhira Madan is one dedicated educationist who keeps education before her and everything.

  2. Great suggestions, Dhira! Getting parity between private & public education would be a cornerstone of transforming education.

  3. These are basic yet brilliant suggestions that work towards the personal development of a student. Well written ma’am.

  4. Great Suggestions Dhira. Simple and succinct.
    Happiness index would be path breaking in making the current education ecosystem better. I hope your recommendations are implemented.

    1. Jaya Banerjea

      Progressive thoughts augmented by beautiful penmanship. Gives me hope for the world that we may leave behind for our children. I am sure God is listening. Our best to you Dhira

  5. Well penned ma’am. I totally agree with all the points you mentioned and highly appreciate your suggestions and ideas towards betterment of the education system in our country.

  6. Geeta Bhatnagar

    Brilliant suggestions from an intelligent mind…best wishes for the betterment of Educational changes.Keep up the good n hard work dear…Dhira.

  7. Our curriculum needs revision. There is a disconnect with the beneficiary. Dhira you have brilliantly stressed the need of interaction at all levels. Education which does not make us a better version of ourselves is of no use.

    1. Eloquently written…our education system certainly needs a change. Your stress on interactions at different levels is certainly missing in present education system. More power to you Dhira Ma’am.

  8. Great work done ma’am …u r d most talented person I HV ever met …….my best wishes r always wid u ..god bless u

  9. Great thoughts! The suggestions are very important for our current education system. Kudos to Mrs. Dhira Madam!

  10. A well thought ideas, where some of them can actually be implemented if there is a will. I feel schools need to have public private partnership to flourish…It’s sad today where we are as a nation betting on demographic dividend , don’t have a generation with abilities that are actually required. Somehow we have completely missed the vocational education system. Nice article Dhira

  11. A very good and much required initiative, education today needs to be inclusive and more practical. The road ahead is very rough. Our best wishes for you to reach your goal. God bless

  12. Dhira very happy to hear the concepts you are proposing. Totally agree with the thoughts. Additionally : learning should be made experiential rather than rote learning which is 90% of schools in india.

  13. This is the best practical and feasible solution, with participation from all the stakeholders. What I like the best is that we would be creating an opportunity to the children to learn and appreciate the need for the fundamental rights enshrined in our constitution, at a macro level AND we will be sensitizing the community in which they live, as well.

    Great practical and doable idea.

  14. Appreciation for outlining quite varied aspects of education and thinking of it in ideal situations. In terms of starting a conversation here I was wondering what people thought was the most important part of this letter? For example, if you were specializing in admissions then the relevant improvement would definitely be in diversifying and bridging gaps. Let us know what you think.

  15. Bhavna Bhatia

    Great education is indeed the key differentiator. Very good thoughts and suggestions, well articulated. Wish that they are successfully implemented.

  16. Definitely a thought provoking article and relevant suggestions for the present times. I wish that they get implemented

  17. Agree that the education frameworks needs a relook. Good suggestions on what to consider as we think about a more homogenous approach!!

  18. Asmat Aijaz Mattoo

    Thought provoking ideas worth to be implemented.wish u all the success in achieving your goals.

  19. Sukriti Vasudeva

    Ma’am, as a millennial part of the education system, I feel you’ve thought this out extremely well and have provided very rational and concrete ideas. Thank you for this.

  20. It is evident that you have approached the specific theme in a holistic manner. Letters like this help in starting important conversations and in addition to that offer a space where people can share their experiences and inputs to show the education system isn’t in fact a dead end and that there are others who think on similar lines.

  21. CS Narasimhan

    It is good to see that someone considers mental well-being as an essential part of an education system.

  22. Great Inclusivity ideas. Hope your vision is achieved, Dhira! I like the final conclusion with the Happiness quotient.

  23. Well said Dhiraif this happens it will really help people who want to study and become successful in life to fullfill their dreams.

  24. Dear Friends
    Thank you for your invaluable suggestions and appreciation. I am deeply moved by your kind gesture. We can progress in the field of education in an inter-connected manner, where not only the school but the entire community comes forward and contributes their skills, expertise and precious time.

    It is very important to decipher Micro and Macro goals and accordingly move towards making the students good human beings full of empathy and understanding.

    The profession of a teacher needs to be redefined and looked up to with the same awe and respect that emanates for the other leading professions. This would lead to creating an army of great teachers who are in the profession by choice and not by compulsion.
    Thank you.

    1. To teach is the noblest of jobs, for Teachers handle the innocence and niavete of childhood. Teaching can not and must not restrict itself as a profession. It is the need of the hour for our Teachers to be driven by passion, just like you are Dheera. I am sure that there are many but we need each and every Teacher to think like you. I also think that our system needs to provide sufficient suport to the Teaching Fraternity, which will ensure better education in the Formal Stream (Schools and Colleges) and to break the stranglehold of tuitions and coaching centres on the minds of our children, not to mention their hours and the ever stretched pockets of their parents. When there will be a true guru, who can guide the shishya from ‘Darkness to light’, the need for the superfluous (tuition and coaching) shall disappear. Much love.

  25. Your perspectives on education system are really a need of the hour and would significantly help in effective learning for all addressing the issues of accessibility for a vast nation like India.

  26. Anuradha Lahiri

    Dhira, as usual a power-packed exciting programme! Waiting for the day to see it all implemented.

  27. Batool Zahokr Qazi

    Dhira Mam, this is wonderful ..You have always been innovative.Your views are essential and would go a long away to promote good education

  28. Manmeet Bali Nag

    A holistic analysis & appropriate policy recommendations suggested by you Dhira.
    Our Education system needs a revamp sooner than later. All the best

  29. Dr maheen latif

    You’ve given a good concept of bringing a change in the education sector. I hope these reforms do take place. Excellent work!
    Good luck!

  30. Very well said Dhira, actually it is the need of the hour to bring some change in our age old education system. Good for the students, teachers and above all nation.

  31. Harpreet kaur

    Dheera really influenced by your writeup .If such things are implimented in our education system it will do wonders.

  32. Dhira, your noble thoughts, your valuable experience in the field of education is a huge contribution.
    Wishing you blessings as you take another step.

  33. Very meaningful insight into concept of inclusive education, hope policy makers will include your ideas in education policy. Wonderful effort n all the best

  34. Great inspirations and excellent suggestions! Child is the focus. I appreciate your passion and commitment in the field of education. You have lots to contribute. Continue to do so. God bless you.

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