From Educators, With Love #6: Elizabeth Koshy

Dear Shraddha,
As we are back to school after a long vacation I thought of sharing my vision for an inclusive and compassionate learning space. Nowadays almost all the schools follow this including our schools.
Let me start with a quote by Ignacio Estrada: “If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.”     
One teaches from the heart with the mind providing the cognitive intellect, so is our audience who receive with innocent mind and humble heart. My vision of an inclusive and compassion based teaching is not new to the field of teaching, yet the concept is more personality oriented rather than template based.
Inclusiveness is more of a two-way channel, that we as teachers tend to facilitate in the six hours per day for five days in a week. This one is able to achieve by creating unique curriculum (within the means and ambit of the provided syllabus) and classroom activities and  to make the school a safe and lovable school campus and class room. . Not to forget by promoting inclusive activities too. The role of a teacher in helping students learn the valuable lesson to be kind and loving to their classmates, is also part of the initiative. I intend also experimenting the different ways that our students can be made to be inclusive in school.

·Achieving diversity in the classroom. This is possible only by unification of all forms of natural prejudice and differences. This gives students an excellent opportunity to interact with people who aren’t exactly like them.

Including all students in activities. This can be achieved by extensive class participation and healthy interchange among classmates.

Learning through play. This is more an environment based learning, with an aim to enhance teamwork and teach the students the concept of mixing Fun and Work. Games can be included in the classroom. This allows all the children to take part.

·Technology in the class. In this 21st Century technology is a major part of education. It can play different roles in the classroom through audio-visual, computer or I pad. The students will have access to different types of learning. (Even though I am against the misuse of these gadgets by the children.)

Make reading enjoyable. The inclusion students can be given age appropriate audio books or reading materials to make reading more interesting.

Compassion for a teacher is not just feeling for the children, but a person who seeks to change the environment that is within our means. I for one believe that Compassion is not mere a sentiment, but a demand that the students seek and that is mandatory to be given by a teacher.

Compassion compels me as a teacher to be a true guardian and role-model to the students. Compassion is cause of Love in action. When this word Compassion is referred to with an academic orientation, then it involves the spiritual, moral, social, cultural and intellectual development of students and of society, as well as their physical and mental health. I, as a teacher am sensitive to the need of Compassion in my profession.

 With love,


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38 thoughts on “From Educators, With Love #6: Elizabeth Koshy”

  1. Sujatha Sairam

    Really thought provoking, “Teach them the way they would learn. ” Teaching must be user friendly.

    1. Brig Suresh Salokhe

      Excellent article. Unfortunately, we are teaching childrent what we want them to know but NOT what they want to know !!!!

    2. Alladi Vijayalakshmi

      Dear Elizabeth

      The best way of approach…covering every aspect…

      The child must be able to benefit the maximum…this is a very comfortable approach without stress…

      Kudos …u have put it very well.

  2. Today teachers have a huge and complex responsibility. Elizabeth you have correctly touched every aspect and I loved the quote and I feel this is the only way “Teach them the way they learn.”

  3. Elizabeth Zacharia

    True Elizabeth, the need for compassion is greater than ever before. And a compassionte teacher can impact a child in a positive way more than anyone else.

  4. Very well written. The corporate world is all about diversity and inclusion. It’s been proven that when a person comes to their work place bringing in their authentic self – it sparks creativity, ideas and innovation. This is why inclusiveness and diversity are accorded prime importance at most multi-national organisations. Now , if this was engrained in our DNA right from school, how marvellous would that be! I hope more educators adopt this methodology and recognise the importance of celebrating the individuality a child brings to the classroom.

  5. This should be the goal for all teachers. Appreciating diversity from a very young will help develop compassionate human being . Well written !!

  6. Rajlakshmi Vijayan

    Beautiful ly written .The letter is thought provoking.The weaker students indeed need compassion.Good letter.

  7. I am a part of the system where only compassion n motivation help d children to reach their goal, I fully agree with you Elzi. We need to stoop down to d level of the children to make them reach their heights

  8. Well said Elizabeth! In our ever changing and challenging world “inclusiveness” is very important. Being a teacher in the US we naturally include children with different challenges in a regular classroom. I hope your thoughts are put into action soon. All the best!

  9. Very well written! Agree with Elizabeth.Compassion is indeed an important requirement in the present day teacher.

  10. Extremely relevant points, Elizabeth… Much-needed in today’s world filled with parochialism and hatred.

  11. I personally believe that the role of teacher is that of a facilitator. Therefore it’s absolutely important to create an atmosphere for nurturing young minds, one that is inclusive and compassionate. Well written Elizabeth

  12. Dr. Jacob P. Eapen

    Wow, nice work. I stronfly agree that “learning through play ” should be encouraged at both aided and unaided schools.

  13. Sunita Madhusudanan

    Beautiful thoughts. We should never impose our ideas on the kid, infact they are more creative than one can imagine. Teach them the way they want; we would land up learning new lessons

  14. Well said Elizabeth
    Being with government school children (though they have family barriers) we go with their wants of learning method…
    Keep it up Elsi.

  15. Very well written Elizabeth… Motivation, compassion and inculculate the positive attitude in the children are the important elements to nurture the children.. Best wishes..


    As said the two way education is must and agreed in present situation and also on teach the child as we teach or teach him the way he learns

  17. Reju Mathew Zacharia

    Dear Elizabeth,

    Loved your letter. Teachers have a great role in moulding the society and you have managed to bring in the important values through the content you have prepared in the letter.

    People vary in their skills and it is important that the teachers take the effort in making them understand the way each of the individuals can grasp. Also, creating a better human being for tomorrow’s society is equally important if not more. Compassion to one another which is lost in the present world can be brought back through the new generations with the assistance of teachers like you.

    Wish you all the best Elizabeth. May you fulfill your vision through your art of pedagogy.

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