Love Transforms

Male and female,

The truth and the tale;

Rich and poor,

The victim and the doer;

The haves and the have-nots

Just think of the endless battles we’ve fought!

Putting the other low,

Won’t set the ‘Self’ aglow

Keep sulking, keep shifting the blame

Remain trapped in this tiresome game!

Am I just my body? 

Am I just my mind?

 ‘Who am I? ‘ is what matters 

And is for us to find.. 

It’s time for me to be awake, 

It’s time for you to be awake;

Why create a world,

That is futile and fake?

Be and let be. 

Let love and light Transform you and me.. 

Yes,  this love

Yes,  this light Will transform you and me! 



Vishakha Singhania Research Scholar in the field of Spiritual Communication and Corporate Feminism at Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar.

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