Question of the Month!

What, according to you, should be the components of a Gender Audit?

Share your responses below.

3 thoughts on “Question of the Month!”

  1. We should critically examine the language we use in policies, during meetings, in classrooms etc. from a gender lens – for example, are we using exclusionary pronouns? How gendered are the titles and designations?

  2. A gender audit would need to look at the differential use of time and space by different genders, as well as whether differential value is attached to their ideas, words and worldviews in decision-making forums. Women at work have some needs different from those of men in our structural setting, so these would need to be addressed too.
    = safe access to essential infrastructure at all times, especially libraries
    = provision of creches, separate resting room for female staff and students, adequate number of bathrooms and lights
    = flexible working time for women
    = adequate provision of maternity leave, for temporary staff as well
    = whether and in what proportion women are present in decision-making bodies
    = whether women are able to take decisive stands in decision-making bodies
    = whether women’s opinions are taken into consideration as much as those of men
    = whether women are considered ‘less committed’ or ‘less capable’ than men at work

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